



Hi, I'm Nelson Elijah

Who are you?

Nelson Elijah

If you asked me about myself before 2020, I would’ve told you about my dream to win a Nobel Prize in Physics. I would’ve also called myself a roboticist, a guy with an undivided love for electronics and programming. I still am that person, but much more. I recognise our multifaceted world, so I’ve adapted myself accordingly.

Here’s how:

I am pursuing a career in hardware, systems, and backend engineering because I believe anyone can change the world with better chips and even better software.

I love to read and write: It turns out that unless you convert the ideas in your head into ideals for others, they follow you to the grave. There are already enough lost miracles there. Writing is my way of sharing my musings with those who would humour me. My words will outlive me and inspire kids from wherever to start where I stop. Hence the reason for this website.

I believe anyone can do anything, but only if they are willing to toil a great deal in acquiring knowledge and even more importantly, applying that knowledge: You can’t escape the struggle, only choose it. However, great things start to happen once you grow beyond yourself. This realisation allowed me to become the Best Graduating Student from Covenant University in 2023.

I do not like to think about life in terms of professional affiliations. Rather, I like to view life as a series of projects. Today a roboticist. Tomorrow a poet. Who can tell?

My work and life revolve around one who inspires others, makes a positive change, challenges the seemingly impossible, and works for the greater good of humanity.

Poor education in Africa is a challenge I’ve taken upon myself to solve. I don’t know how long it’ll take. I don’t know if I’ll succeed in my lifetime. I know there’s a thing called the Ripple Effect, and I’ll do what I can to push the waves to the farthest part of the waters. Who knows? It’ll wake something amazing up.

I keep track of thoughts I find intriguing.

Other Projects and Interests

I play the piano

I love reading about startups

Sky-diving fascinates me

© 2023 Nelson Elijah. All rights reserved